Treatment of udders and teats in dairy animals

Zootecnia Devidet news cura mammelle capezzoli animali da latte prodotti

To ensure a healthy and healthy life for the animals used for the production of milk in the dairy industry, it is first of all necessary to take care of the well-being of the organs dedicated to the secretion of milk.

Hygiene and cleanliness of the skin tissue of the breasts and nipples are fundamental, as already reported (Post dipping and pre dipping: the products for the different stages of milking), the link between the state of health of these specific parts and milk production is evident.

The mammary organs of dairy cows, for example, not differently from those of goats and dairy sheep, are constantly stressed and consequently require special care, to prevent the skin tissue from becoming inflamed following the frequent stresses caused by milking.

Breast care products

The detergents and products of the Devidet s.r.l. intended for livestock and specifically to udder hygiene of dairy animals take care of exactly this: relieve the skin of redness, irritation, inflammation and infections and prevent the onset of diseases such as mastitis that cause enlargement and hardening of the udder and make milking difficult due to the poor quality of the milk than for the animal's restlessness.

To prevent this type of problems, caused by bacteria, fungi and yeasts, it is therefore necessary to keep the udder clean and clean every day, preventing external contaminants and to microorganisms the proliferation on the skin tissue and therefore the entry into the udder through the teat canal.

Therefore the products used to treat the udder before and after milking must ensure an effective action against different types of pathogens and at the same time keep the skin of the areas affected by the milking processes hydrated and soft.

With this aim our a company works on the composition of formulations that can act against a wide spectrum of bacteria and microorganisms, inhibiting their reproduction and development, while preserving and safeguarding the characteristics of the skin tissue of dairy animals.

Via dell'Artigiano, 25, 37010 Pastrengo, Verona
Tel: +39 045 7170317